About KeepWOL
KeepWOL, which means Keep Wondering Out Loud, is a questions game that facilitates deep, meaningful, fun, and engaging conversations. The game asks the not-so-typical, at times provocative, questions that make you really have to dig deep to answer. Not only that, but these questions allow players to talk about their experiences, get advice, learn more about each other, and find commonalities.
KeepWOL provides a communal therapeutic experience without the therapist. Our game provides revealing, entertaining and sometimes a bit uncomfortable honesty and vulnerability. Instead of being judged by your experiences, beliefs, and opinions, you instead earn points based on how genuine, open and honest you are in this competitive conversation game.
When you think about KeepWOL and what it's like to play, you need to think about a game that allows you to show the real you. Your character, your intelligence, and your vulnerabilities are all put on display during this game. These are the important things that people love about one another and this game helps to put the focus back on them.
"KeepWOL can be played with your close friends, spouse, significant other, family, co-workers, and even strangers! Just choose your deck wisely, because there are some topics you might not want to discuss with certain people (wink, wink). So, would you like to Wonder Out Loud with us? If the answer is yes, then come and visit our Products Page and pick up a deck."